How to Get and Stay Healthy in Your Spirit and Your Body

How to Get and Stay Healthy in Your Spirit and Your Body

Jul 16, 2021

The article was provided by The Global Spiritualist Association Most of us have stopped counting all the new fad diets that have been released in recent years. Some have been popular for a long time and though some people claim to have lost weight on them, the majority eventually gain the weight back. Many experts agree that fad diets just don’t work. We develop our eating habits over the course of many years. We enjoy favorite foods from our childhood like hot dogs, macaroni and cheese and special desserts our mothers made us. The foods you enjoy are a large part of who you are as an individual. Even if you can somehow manage to only eat carrots and celery for six weeks, at some point, you will return to your regular eating habits and the weight will be regained straightaway. Often, we talk quite a bit about physical health and dieting but we don’t mention spiritual health. This area of your life is critical for long lasting success. A well-rounded person has physical and spiritual health. They can enjoy life. They’ve overcome all kinds of fears. Many of us start out with low self-esteem. We find millions of people today are lonely, depressed, angry, or unhappy with their current situation … the list goes on and on. These are important areas that we must address. Let’s get to the bottom of how we feel and why. That way, we can enjoy our success more. The Global Spiritualist Association was founded by teacher Zhang Xinyue in the year 1999 with the goal of bringing in the best Spiritual Teachers from various professional fields around the globe. The Global Spiritualists Association is well-known for focusing on creating a platform with international impact to exchange ideas for spiritual growth....

How Today’s Entrepreneurs Handle Stress

How Today’s Entrepreneurs Handle Stress

Jun 17, 2021

Stress comes in all shapes and sizes and there’s so much of it these days due to various factors. For business owners, everything is multiplied. They have families and homes to think about as well as their business. All this can cause undue stress. How do you handle it? Business leaders must stay focused and effective. In order to do that, they need a support staff and some easy ways of dealing with everyday problems. One way that we can all get a better handle on the stress in our lives is by meditating each day. Business owners say that it’s valuable to have a quiet place and time where they address nagging problems and just relax and clear their heads. There are numerous types of meditation and you can do this on your own or join a local club. Another idea that works well is to get a personal coach. With this idea, you’ll have someone there to keep you encouraged and on track. A good coach will remind of why you got in business to start with. They’ll remind you that all businesses go through cycles of growth. Getting support from your family is a natural and endearing way to help you stay grounded and on course. Our families are important to us. They can help in ways that other people can’t. Your family can be a fantastic source of strength and fresh ideas. The Global Spiritualists Association was established by author, teacher and spiritualist Zhang Xinyue. This organization holds conferences each year where you can network and make new friends. Our annual conferences can be a source of encouragement and knowledge. If you’d like to learn more, please visit their...