Dec 8, 2021
Entering the world of entrepreneurship can be daunting at first, but with the right resources, you can be better equipped for the journey ahead. A few of the most important resources a new entrepreneur can have are finances, mentors, and digital marketing tools. One crucial mistake many new entrepreneurs make is having little to no savings when starting their businesses. Ryan Pitylak, co-founder and CMO of ZenBusiness, says, “I’ve seen new entrepreneurs ruined by putting their livelihood at risk or going into debt to pursue their dream. When you start your first business, you should have savings in the bank because it will save you a lot of stress in the long run.” Entrepreneurs can prevent issues such as these by having wise and seasoned mentors advising them as they launch their first business. Ryan Pitylak added, “If you’re only getting business advice from books, the Internet, podcasts, or your friends, it can be hard to know whose advice is best for your business. Having a trusted mentor who has experienced what it’s like to be a first-time entrepreneur is infinitely better for your company’s success.” Digital marketing is the last important resource that can be a driving force for your new company’s success. Algorithms have made browsing the Internet a highly personalized experience for every user. Today, it is easier than ever to tailor your marketing messaging to a specific type of person or demographic. By using Google ads, SEO, and targeted content creation, you can find the perfect audience for your products. Through his company ZenBusiness, Ryan Pitylak helps many new entrepreneurs through every stage of launching a new company. ZenBusiness provides an all-in-one platform with FinTech solutions, expertise, and other helpful resources. Member Login Username:...